Igor Mandrigin / 0xFF Consulting πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ




I'm an experienced software engineer with passion for security. I’m based in Sweden πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ (CET/CEST) but I work remotely 🌎.

I help companies, that don't have a budget or need for a full-time security lead, to protect data, IP and money.

I can help you to:

Build more secure products

I help companies to introduce best practices of secure product development.

I review critical parts of code and infrastructure. I set up automated security checks for the languages and frameworks you are using.

I teach and facilitate threat modelling (STRIDE) and risk assessment sessions for the features and releases.

I register the code in bug bounty programs.

I help prepare the product for security audits, find the right company to do that and create action items from their report.

I also help with security budget, so you don't spend money on what you don't need.

Improve security of work processes

I help you to adjust settings of your email/calendar and web meetings applications.

I can setup 2FA on your services and connect them to YubiKeys for protection and convenience.

I setup access, so employees have the right amount of access to do their job efficently.

I setup a program that trains your employees to recognize fake emails.

I know how to protect workplace in 100% remote and WFH-first organizations.


If you are a big company with your own security department, I can offer you an independent second opinion.

I'm the most comfortable with mobile SDKs (Android/iOS/React Native) and with Go/JS/AWS. Other tech stacks might take some time to get me up to speed.

Some organizations introduce security theater: they sacrifice convenience in the name of "security". This is really sad, because these practices don't make anything more secure. It is called "security theater". I believe, that right security practices don't have to impede your work process or make UX of your product worse.

If you are interesed, let's talk!